ContentDetector.AI is an AI-powered detector specifically designed to identify if a piece of content has been generated by AI, including text created by platforms like ChatGPT. It provides a probability score that indicates the likelihood of AI-generated content. This functionality is handy for bloggers, academicians, and anyone concerned with the authenticity of their text content.
It boasts high accuracy, offers real-time comparison, and comes with unlimited checks without word limit restrictions — making it a valuable resource for detecting AI-generated content and ensuring the originality and quality of written materials.
In addition, ContentDetector.AI serves as a ChatGPT plagiarism checker — recognizing content generated by various versions of GPT models like GPT 3.5 and GPT 4. It compares submissions against vast datasets to estimate the probability of copied content, thus helping users avoid plagiarism issues.
The tool is user-friendly, providing detailed percentage-based reports on the analyzed content and identifying the actual source when possible. Beyond detection, ContentDetector.AI includes features like word and character-counting tools.
All in all, the tool represents a comprehensive solution for educators, content creators, and anyone needing to verify the authenticity and originality of the digital text.