Audio & video creation platform for the creation, editing, and distribution of podcastsPodcastle is an AI-powered audio and video creation platform that helps professional and amateur podcasters create, edit and distribute production-quality podcasts. In that sense, the company behind the tool aims to democratize access to broadcast storytelling through easy-to-use tools that are professional yet fun.
Beyond audio and video recording capabilities, Podcastle features an online audio editor, Magic Dust for removing background noise, Revoice (to create a digital copy of your own voice), text-to-speech capabilities, silence removal, and a hosting hub, which is used for hosting and distribution of your content. Finally, there’s the iOS app offering a professional quality audio recorder for iPhone users. As of September 2023, the Android version is still not available.
In other words, Podcastle offers an entire creator toolkit that is easy to use yet can produce exceptional quality audio and video recordings on a web-based platform. So, if you ever thought of launching your own podcast — or could use some help from AI — give Podcastle a try. Chances are it will make life easier for you.
What are the key features?
- Multi-track recording: Podcastle lets you record remote interviews in studio quality with local recordings of each track.
- Audio transcription: You can also convert your live speech or audio files into text in a matter of seconds.
- Easy editing: Among the tools you can use are auto-leveling, dynamic fading, royalty-free music & effects, and more.
- Text to speech: With cutting-edge voice skins that can turn any text into a variety of lifelike human voices.
- Magic Dust: That's AI-powered noise cancellation that makes your audio files sound flawless with that professional studio touch.
- Revoice: Create a digital copy of your own voice with AI and then generate audio just by typing.
Who is it for?
Podcastle is used by all kinds of folks. As its name says, it is designed to tune into the podcasting market, but its market extends to marketers, small business owners, bloggers, journalists, educators, website operators, and everyone else looking to add a "touch of audio" to his product or service. Podcastle is easy to use, yet all the features it offers are nothing short of amazing.
Examples of what you can use it for
- Creating podcasts even by those who haven't done it before
- Turn books into audiobooks with ease
- Make educational videos in multiple languages
- Streamline communication with text-to-speech and other tools
- Create engaging online courses
Pros & Cons
- Easy to use, yet powerful with studio-level quality recording
- Creating a digital copy of your own voice is pretty cool
- Especially great for podcast newbies
- Where's the Android app?
- AI tools are not included in the free plan
Last update:
October 23, 2024