SuperAGI is a research organization dedicated to advancing Generalized Super Intelligence (GSI), a field aimed at creating highly-capable AI systems with broad problem-solving abilities. Its work spans several critical areas of AI research, including Neurosymbolic AI, Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems, Novel Model Architectures, and System 2 Thinking.
The organization is also invested in developing recursive self-improving systems and exploring socio-economic implications of super AGI, such as in digital workforce creation, algorithmic governance, and universal basic income (UBI). SuperAGI endeavors to power the future of work through its efforts by building generally intelligent agents that can autonomously perform a wide range of complex tasks across various domains.
Beyond research, the organization is also actively involved in a global community by making its work accessible through open-source models, frameworks, and datasets. This approach encourages collaboration and contribution from developers, researchers, and AI enthusiasts worldwide.
In addition, SuperAGI extends its findings and technology through practical applications, developing apps like Verk, Contlo, and Ric that demonstrate the real-world utility of their research.
Finally, we should mention that SuperAGI organizes the AGI Leap Summit, a global research conference to gather researchers from all over the world in one place.